Our Swinton measurement solutions are not only accurate and powerful, but they’re fully integrated to suit clients’ particular needs and current technological arrangements. To maximize the opportunity for a smooth transition, we recently spent four days with Occidental of Oman to train their staff on their new FloBoss 600+ Flow Computer. Getting the measure of our technology With a metering system based around the Liquid Coriolis meter as the primary flow meter, the team at Occidental of Oman was excited to learn how the FloBoss S600+ capabilities, application specifics, and liquid calculations could help them deliver up-to-the-minute reports for calculated flow totals. The computer was installed to perform corrective liquid calculations for mass flow rate, standard volume flow rate, and increment flow totals for each stream. The FloBoss S600+ was also used as a prover computer to drive a bi-directional ball prover on each stream periodically. Given the unique needs of Occidental, we held two days of standard training, combined with two additional days specifically tailored to their needs, helping them to take full advantage of the new technology. Delivering accuracy Before we got into the specifics of how the FloBoss S600+ could revolutionize the insights and reporting for Occidental, we spent two days ensuring operators were fully familiarized with how the stream flow computer fit with the current metering architecture. Practical understanding was imperative, so we set up a series of hands-on exercises so users could run the systems in a live operational plant setting. We left no stone unturned. We covered everything from communication links and input signals management to configuration, data quality checking, and corrective calculations. By delivering the sessions in this way, we were able to maximize the opportunity to understand the needs of Occidental and prepare them to extract maximum value from their new asset. Creating certainty through learning Throughout the four days, the staff at Occidental got a deep understanding of the capabilities of the new set-up. By hosting the training, we were able to get to grips with their questions and deliver tailored solutions to ensure the learning added real benefits for the long term. The practicality of the sessions meant users could learn by doing and make mistakes in a safe environment before applying the knowledge to their day-to-day operations. Delivering such in-depth training created confidence in Occidental’s people, and we could signpost them to where to find ongoing support and care. We’re already looking forward to our next training session with them as they continue to enhance their capabilities through the Sensia portfolio of world-class automation and digitization technologies. Help for you If you have training needs in relation to your Sensia technologies, you can get in touch to find out how we can help, here.