
Celebrating women in engineering

June 17, 2024 | Written by: Sensia

Women in Engineering Day, June 23, 2024


Inspiring women

Every year, we celebrate women in engineering as part of the incredible initiative started by the Women’s Engineering Society. In particular, we highlight our own brilliant female engineers who are blazing trails around the world and this year it’s the turn of our women engineers in China. They’re helping us deliver Sustainable Intelligent Action to customers across the region and, as with all our women, inspiring others to follow their STEM dreams. While spending time with them during the recent CIPPE show in Beijing, we asked them to share their views on what it’s like to be a woman in engineering.

Vivian Ma (Yun Ma), Measurement Account Manager

My career in this industry started in 2003. It’s fair to say I’ve had good times and bad times – but being a woman in this field is about inspiring others. Celebrating success and learning from failures – as that is the best way to learn. We’ve made some incredible liquid metering breakthroughs in the Asia-Pacific region and developed exciting new business opportunities. The challenge is continual – but the persistence and resilience I get from being a woman helps my success.

Hui Liu, Sales Account Manager

Every woman I’ve met in engineering is intelligent, friendly, capable and hardworking, and there have been so many across on-site engineering, maintenance, research and development and production. Although the proportion of women in STEM is still too small, we stand out because we are determined. To any woman wanting to follow their STEM dreams – ignore outside voices and listen to your heart, to be exactly where you want to be.

Julia Gu, Regional Commercial Lead

Just like our male counterparts, as women, we’re meticulous, tenacious, and excellent at building relationships, and it’s our ability to work in teams that makes Sensia world-class. It takes that gender balance to deliver the best value for our clients. We’re not here to outthink each other but to find the best solutions by thinking together.

Ling Long Xu, Production Engineer

Of course, as a woman, there have been occasions where I’ve experienced gender bias. But I like to combat that by being persistent, doing my best and doing what I think is right. I love being an engineer and solving problems for my clients. Things are constantly improving, but it’s crucial that you realize your value to our industry.

Four inspiring views from four outstanding women. To all our female engineers – we celebrate you.

Read previous Women in Engineering stories 

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